Splinter Fleet

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The Trinity Historical Society Archives (THSA) thanks the following institutions and individuals for their invaluable assistance and contribution to this project.

We gratefully acknowledge the Department of Canadian Heritage through the Canadian Culture Online Program, Library and Archives Canada and the Canadian Council of Archives for their financial support for this project. The funding from this program has made it possible for the creation of this virtual exhibit and to be able to digitize and make available to the public information that would not otherwise be available.

Maritime History Archive, Memorial University of Newfoundland: Heather Wareham, Archivist and the staff for their cooperation and support.

Winterton Boat Building Museum: For their cooperation and support and sharing their resources with us.

Marystown Heritage Museum: For their cooperation and support and sharing their resources with us.

Mr. Henry Vokey for allowing us to interview him about his years of boat building.

Phyllis Vokey, Wilson Vokey and Wayne Marsh for contributing photos and video for this exhibit.

Eliol Randell for converting some video into digital format.

Thank you to all who helped in any way in the research, preparation, editing, feedback and user testing of this virtual exhibit, your assistance was greatly appreciated.

We hope that you enjoy the site.

Jim Miller                                                                                 Dean Bailey
Project Manager                                                                      IT Specialist
Trinity Historical Society Inc.                                                    Trinity Historical Society Inc.

Isabelle Lance                                                                           Paula Phillips
Translator                                                                                 Research Assistant

Please send any questions or comments about this site to Contact Us







