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CANADA & NEWFOUNDLAND                                                  Contract No. 60
Vote 151. Estimates 1917-18                                                            File No. 17882
$70, 000                                                                                           Expires March 31st, 1918

Articles of Agreement
made this THIRTY – FIRST day of May in the year of Our Lord One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Seventeen.

Between the Honorable the Minister of Trade and Commerce of the Dominion
of Canada (hereinafter referred to as “The Minister”, which expression shall include the Minister of Trade and Commerce of the said Dominion for the time being), acting for and on behalf of His Majesty, on the one part, and The Reid Newfoundland Company, Limited, a corporation having its head office at St. John’s Newfoundland, (hereinafter called “The Contractors”), of the other part.


Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the covenants, agreements, stipulations and reservations hereinafter contained on the part of His Majesty, the Contractors for themselves and their successors or assigns do covenant and agree to and with His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, in manor and form and to the effect following, that is to say:

Steamers 1. The Contractors having on the first day of April next preceding the date of
these, presents placed the steamship “Kyle” of 548 net and 1055 gross tons, with accommodation for 68 first-class and 160 second-class passengers and the steamship “Sagona” of 420 and 808 gross tons with accommodation for 40 first-class and 145 second-class passengers on the route hereinafter described, with establish and maintain with said steamships or other steamships approved by the Minister until the 31st day of March, 1918, a regular steamship service as hereinafter described between North Sydney in the Province of Nova Scotia and Port aux Basques in the Colony of Newfoundland.

Route 2. It is understood and agreed that the service from the said first day of April,
1917, shall consist of a complete round trip each day, except Sunday, between the said ports of North Sydney and Port aux Basques.

Ice 3. It is further understood and agreed that at any time during the continuance of this Contract, should Port aux Basques or North Sydney be blocked with ice, the service during such period may, at the option of the Contractors, be performed to Placentia, Newfoundland; and Luisburg, Nova Scotia, respectively.

Trade Commissioners 4. The Canadian Trade Commissioners and their wives and children, or Canadian Commercial Agents, shall be granted free transportation, meals included, with first-class accommodation, and free transportation for their household effects, upon any steamships employed by the Contractors in the performance of this Contract, when requested so to do by the Minister, and when the said Commissioner or Commercial Agent is traveling upon his official duties or being transferred from one official post to another.

Carriage Of Fruit 5. The handling, loading, stowing and unloading of any fruit or perishable products carried by the said steamships shall be subject to and under the supervision of any cargo inspector or any other official appointed for that purpose should the Minister of Agriculture for Canada deem it advisable.

Subsidy 6. Subject to the further conditions, stipulations and reservations herein provided, His Majesty for Himself, His Heirs and Successors, covenants with the Contractors, their successors and assigns, that the Contractors and their successors well and faithfully performing all and every the covenants and stipulations herein on the part of the Contractors set forth and contained, He will and truly pay or cause to be paid to the Contractors, their successors or assigns a Subsidy. At the rate of Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000) per annum, the said subsidy to be payable quarterly, or such proportion thereof as may be earned, that is to say: for the periods ending on the Thirtieth days of June and September and on the Thirty-first days of December and March during the continuance of this Contract.

Deductions. Provided, however, that it is the true intent and meaning of these Presents that no amount or installments of Subsidy shall be payable or be paid at any time, unless it appears to the satisfaction of the Minister that up to the time of such installment becoming due, as herein stipulated, the service herein described and defined has been fully and faithfully performed, and that all provisions and stipulations as to freight rates and dates of sailings have been in all respects faithfully observed and carried out, according to the true intent and meaning of these Presents; and it is understood and agreed to be a further condition of these Presents that the Contractors shall at least two weeks prior to the first sailing under this Contract, furnish to the Minister time-tables showing the proposed sailings, and upon the same being approved by the Minister, they shall be duly advertised in such smaller manner as he may direct; and it is also agreed that in case either of the Steamers herein named, or a substituted Steamer sanctioned by the Minister, does not sail from a terminal port as herein specified within of the date fixed by such time-tables, there shall be deducted from the amount of Subsidy payable for such voyage a sum equal to one-tenth of the amount otherwise payable for the performance of such voyage, and so in proportion for further delays or failure to sail from such terminal port. Provided, however that the Minister may authorize any vessel to sail either at an earlier or later date than that specified in such time-tables should he for any reason deem it advisable to do so: It being understood and agreed that, in the event of any of the said Steamers being at any time so disabled as to be obliged to be docked for repairs, the failure to perform the terms of this Contract owing to such accident and for the time reasonably occupied in the repair of the damaged Streamer, shall not be taken as a default or a breach of the Stipulations of this Contract, or subject the Contractors to deductions as above from the amount of Subsidy, if any, payable for any voyage delayed in consequence of such docking for repairs, but there shall be no claim for nor payment of any Subsidy in respect of any voyage not actually performed.

Agents Manifests 7. The Contractors shall furnish and establish at their own expense the necessary Agents required for the efficient performance of this Contract, and shall with diligence, as soon after the completion of each voyage as may be, furnish to the Minister full and complete copies of the manifests of the cargoes and lists of passengers carried on each voyage, duly certified by the proper officers of Customs, and also such other documents, information and evidence as may be reasonably required by the Minister to show the volume, extent and value of the trade carried on by the said Steamers, and the full performance on their part of the services, requirements and conditions of this Contract, in order to enable him to judge as to weather the terms of this Contract have been or are being fully and faithfully carried out and complied with, within the true intent and meaning thereof, and his decision in that respect shall be binding, final and conclusive; and any special officer of the Department who may be detailed at any time shall have full and complete access to the books of the Contractors to enable him to check the returns furnished the Department as herein stipulated, and the furnishing of such certificates, documents and evidence as hereinbefore specified, should such be demanded by the Department, shall be a condition precedent to the payment of the Subsidy herein provided for, or any portion, thereof, and if in the opinion of the Minister all the terms of this Contract have not been fully compiled with by the Contractors, he may deduct from the Subsidy otherwise payable such portions thereof as he may deem fit and proper, taking into consideration all the circumstances in connection therewith, and the Contractors shall at all times during the continuance of this Contract well and faithfully abide by and conform to all such requirements as may be made by the Minister with regard to the said Steamers in the performance of this Contract.

8. The Contractors shall at least three weeks prior to the first sailing under this contract furnish to the Minister a schedule of the freight rates proposed to be charged between the different ports on both East and West bound trips, which schedule shall be subject to the approval of the Minister, and after being approved by him shall not be changed except with his consent: and the Minister may at any time, if he deem it

Freight and Passenger Rates. advisable, fix the maximum rates to be charged on any article or class of good; and the Contractors shall carry between the ports hereinbefore named, on all voyages of the said Steamships employed under the terms of this Contract, all passengers or freight that may be offered or that can reasonably be procured, at rates which shall not be in excess of such maximum rates as fixed by the Minister, should he deem it advisable to so fix such maximum rates, and in no case shall any discrimination be made as regards rates, or otherwise, directly or indirectly against Canadian merchants or shippers, who shall always have precedence for their freight and goods over all other merchants and shippers; and it is agreed that such rates shall in no case be greater to or from any Canadian port than they are to or from any United States port by any regular cargo and passenger steamship line; and it is further agreed and understood that the freight rates on East-bound trips, sailing from North Sydney as hereinbefore provided, on Through Bills of Lading to Port aux Basques from any places in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec or from any Canadian points farther West, shall in no case be greater than from the same place to Port aux Basques via any United States routed or port; and on West-bound trips the rates from Port aux Basques to any place in Ontario or Quebec or other Canadian points farther West, shall be as favorable as via any United States route or port to the same place; and it is further understood and agreed that the said Steamers shall not carry between the Ports of North Sydney and Port aux Basques aforesaid, on any voyage run under the terms of this Contract, either Deals or Lumber or Timber to a greater extent than fifty per cent of the total quantity of the cargo carried on such voyage, and such quantity only in case other Canadian products are not offering or cannot be obtained. Provided, however, that in the event of other cargo not being obtainable, satisfactory evidence of that fact being furnished to the Minister, then the Contractors shall be allowed to make up the balance of the cargo with Deals, Boards or Timber.

9. The steamers to be employed as herein specified, shall at all times during the continuance of this Contract be fully sea-worthy, well-officered, manned, victualled, equipped, provided and furnished, having regard to the service which the Contractors have hereby undertaken to perform, and shall have ample and suitable accommodation for the passengers, mails and freights to be carried over the route specified; and shall, at all times, carry boats and life-saving appliances in compliance with the law, and shall be in all respects subject to the approval of the Minister.

British Subjects 10. It is further understood and agreed by the Contractors that two-thirds of the total number of officers, engineers, stewards, crew or other employees whatsoever upon the steamships engaged in the performance of the service herein contracted for, shall Be British subjects, but the non-observance of this clause shall not constitute a violation of this contract in such individual cases as may from time to time be approved by the Minister in writing.

Conveyance of Mails 11. The Contractors shall, during the performance of this Contract, convey on each and every trip of the steamers performing the aforementioned services, both on outward and homeward voyages, all such mails as shall be tendered to the proper officers or persons in that behalf on the said steamers by or on behalf of or under the direction of the Postal Authorities of Canada, or of those at the terminal ports or ports of call herein referred to, and shall deliver all such mails at their proper destination at the terminal ports or ports of call above referred to; and the expense of carrying such mails from the post offices or railway stations to the Steamers and from the Steamers to the post offices or railway stations at the terminal ports and at the ports of call shall be borne by the Contractors, who will be subject to all general and special regulations now or hereafter existing during the continuance of this Contract in connection with the postal service. For the conveyance of all such mails no payment shall be made or required over or beyond the amount of subsidy herein mentioned or provided for.

Accommodation for Mails12. The said Steamers shall be provided with sufficient and convenient accommodation and protection for all such mails to the satisfaction of the Honorable the Postmaster General of Canada for the time being, and the Contractors shall further take all reasonable and necessary precautions for the protection of such mails while upon the said Steamers or while in the Contractors` charge or custody, from loss, damage thereto caused by negligence or want of proper care or accommodation on the part of the Contractors, their agents or servants, or on the part of the officers, employees or crew on board the said Steamers, and this without regard to any question as to the legal liability of the Postmaster General to the owners of the articles of mail matter contained in such mails for damage or loss sustained in transit.

Definition Of Mails13. The expression “mails” for the purpose of this Contract shall be deemed to mean and include all boxes, bags, baskets or packets of or containing letters, postcards, newspapers, parcels, books or printed papers, and all other articles which under the Post Office Act and postal regulations for the time being in force are transmissible by post in Canada, without regard to place, either of origin or destination, and also all empty bags, empty boxes, and other receptacles, stores and articles used or to be used in carrying on the post office service or which shall ordinarily be sent by or to or from the post offices.

Restriction re Mails 14. The Contractors shall not, nor shall any of their agents or servants, or officers or crew of the said Steamers receive or permit to be received on board of the said Steamers any letters for conveyance other than those contained in His Majesty’s mails or which are or may be privileged by law, nor the mails of any other country, except such as are specified by the Postmaster General of Canada for the time being.

Free Transportation15. The Honorable the Minister of Trade and Commerce or the Honorable the Postmaster General for the time being, or any inspector or officer of the Department of Trade and Commerce or of the Post Office Department, who may in the execution of his duty travel in the said Steamers, shall be granted free transportation (first class) with berth and meals included.

16. The Contractors shall carry on each Steamer running under this Contract according to its capacity, on all voyages, all the freight and passengers which may be reasonably offered or obtained, and at tariff rates, both as to passengers and freights, which may be from time to time approved by the Minister; and the Contractors shall furnish to the Minister such documents, information and evidence as may be necessary, or as may be required, by the Minister, to show the volume, extent and value of the trade carried on by the said Steamers, and such Customs certificates, documents and evidence as may be necessary, or as may be required, by the Minister to prove the performance of the services herein contracted for, and to enable the Minister to judge as to whether this Contract is being carefully and faithfully carried out and performed, and the furnishing of such certificates, documents, information and evidence as hereinbefore specified shall be a condition precedent to the payment of the subsidy herein provided for or any portion thereof, and the Contractors shall allow any officer or officers named by the Minister free access to such accounts, and all books, papers, and documents connected therewith.

Foreign Ports17. The Steamers employed in carrying out the provisions of this Contract shall not on any voyages either outwards or homewards call at any Foreign Port not specified in this Contract.

Explosives 18. The Contractors shall not convey or permit to be conveyed in any Steamer while employed in this service any nitro-glycerin or any other articles which in the opinion of the Minister shall be considered dangerous.

Agents 19. The Contractors shall furnish and provide at their own expense the necessary agents required at each and all the ports aforesaid for the purpose of carrying on the business of the said Steamers during the performance of this Contract.

Orders by Minister 20. The Contractors shall at all times during the performance of this Contract well and faithfully abide and conform to all such regulations as may be made by the Minister with regard to the business of the said Steamers in the performance of this Contract.

Disablement or Wreck 21. It is understood that if any of the said Steamers shall be by peril of the sea or other unavoidable casualty, lost, destroyed, or temporarily disabled from performing the voyages herein agreed to be performed according to the true intent and meaning of these presents, the Contractors may in such case as soon as reasonably may be, having regard to the circumstances, replace the said Steamer by another of equal class, speed, equipment, character and capacity to the satisfaction and approval of the Minister, in case the said Steamer has been only temporarily disabled, and continue the services herein contracted for with such substituted or repaired Steamer with as little delay as possible under all circumstances.

Vote of Parliament 22. It is conditioned, declared and agreed that the payment of subsidy, as herein stipulated, is subject to the amount specified being provided for the purpose by a vote of the Parliament of Canada, and that if no amount is voted for the purpose, or if any amount voted has become exhausted in payment thereof, and no further sum is voted for the purpose, this Contract or Agreement shall terminate and become void and no effect, and the party of the first part shall not in consequence be held liable to damages.

Minister’s right to Cancel Contract 23. It is declared to be the true intent and meaning of these presents that the Minister shall have the right at any time during the continuance of this upon thirty days notice in writing to the Contractors, their Contract successors or assigns, to terminate this Contract and every matter and thing herein contained, if it shall appear to the Minister that there has been any breach on the part of the Contractors, their successors or assigns of any of the covenants, agreements, stipulations or provisions herein contained and entered into on the part of the Contractors; and it is declared and agreed that the Minister shall at all times be the sole and final judge as to whether there has been any such breach, and his decision shall be absolute, final and conclusive.

24. This Contract shall not, nor shall any right or interest therein be assigned without the consent in writing of the Minister to such assignment having been first obtained.

M.P.’s must not share or benefit 25. It is a condition of these presents that no member of the House of Commons of Canada shall be admitted to any share or part of this Contract or agreement nor to any benefit to arise therefrom.


Changes 26. The Minister may authorize any change or changes in the terms of this contract as may not be inconsistent with the vote providing for the payment of the Subsidy.

Minister’s decision final 27. The Minister shall at all times be the judge as to whether the terms of this Contract have been or are being fully and faithfully carried out and complied with within the true intent and meaning thereof, and his decision in that respect shall be binding, final and conclusive.

Freight Rates 28. The Minister shall at any time have the right to revise the freight and passenger rates charged by the said company or prescribe the maximum rates which may be charged upon any Steamer performing the service under this contract, which freight and passenger rates shall be made available at all times to the public at the head office and the offices of the agents of the Contractors.

Government wharves 29. In consideration of the subsidy herein stipulated the Contractors agree to call at all Government wharves when such is practicable and when such wharves are available.

Financial Statements 30. It is further understood and agreed that the Contractors shall furnish the Minister at the close of their financial year occurring during the period covered by this agreement, with a financial statement of all revenues derived from and all expenditures in connection with the conduct of the service herein provided for, such statement to be upon the form for the purpose which will be provided, on application therefore, by the Department.

In witness whereof the right Honorable Sir George Eulas Foster, K.C.M.G., P.C., M.P, the minister hath hereto set and affixed his hand and seal as such. The President and General Manager of the said Company, hath hereunto set his hand and affixed the seal of the said Company, on the day and year first above written.

Source: The Rooms, Provincial Archives









