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Tuesday 6th May 1913

Messrs. The Reid Newfoundland Company, St. John’s, Newfoundland

Dear Sirs,

Steamers “Lintrose” & “Kyle”

Confirming the interview which we have had with you today we have pleasure in confirming that the costs of these vessels including the extra fittings which you have ordered from time to time, also including the percentages for Establishment Charges and the agreed sums for profit, fall short, by £2,890, of the contract prices of the vessels plus the amounts agreed with you for the extra fittings & C., as shown by the attached statement. We have pleasure therefore in placing to your credit this £2,890 in accordance with our understanding with you.

As arranged with you, instead of drawing bills for £30,500 for the S.S. “Kyle” we have deducted the above named £2,890 and made the amount of our drafts £27,610.

We are, dear sirs,

Yours faithfully,


Source: The Rooms, Provincial Archives









