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For Convict Ship

The S.S. Meigle which has been laying up at the dry dock pier for some months past, has been utilized by the government to serve as a convict ship. The Meigle has had her bunkers replenished for the purpose, and she will likely move down steam tomorrow to a permanent anchorage. As far as can be learned several prisoners who are in the lock-up will be sent on board to-morrow [sic].

The Evening Telegram

October 24, 1932

The trite saying “Up Hinders” that became a local and very popular cant was, in fact, an order uttered by a coach of a visiting football team to St. John’s. In the summer of 1931, the H.M.S. Barwick came into St. John’s. While the ship was in port, a game of football was arranged whereby the ship’s team played against a city all-star eleven. The navy coach gave his full backs an order to move up field by the phrase “Up hinders”. Some local wag heard the order several times that evening and turned it into the popular cant that became a standard expression of approval in Newfoundland folklore vocabulary.

In the year 1933, most of the rioters had served out their sentences and were released from confinement. The Newfoundland Constabulary had been increased to more than double the size in manpower. The creation of the auxiliary force known as Specials was well trained and many of the recruits were admitted into the “regulars” ranks. The policing of St. John’s and the country was swell organized and disturbances were now minimal. On June 30, 1933, the S.S. Meigle was decommissioned as a Prison Ship and converted into a Salt Bulk Storage Hull, and left moored in harbour…

Wallace Furlong

The Seniors’ News

January 1983









