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Has Rough Trip and Sustained Some Damage

The Lintrose, the new Reid flyer, a description of which will be found elsewhere in this issue, arrived this morning at 6 o’clock from Newcastle-on-Tyne, where she was built, after having had a long and stormy trip. She left there in the early morning of Sunday, March 16, so the run occupied thirteen days, a fact due to the stormy weather and head winds the whole way along. She came south, thro’ the English Channel, and there got the first taste of what she was to have the whole way across the Atlantic. On Monday opposite the Isle of Wight, a huge sea boarded her forward and smashed in the woodwork of the bridge deck and the upper bridge, the great pieces of pitch pine plank being torn bodily from their fastenings and leaving two gaping apertures still visible. Fortunately nobody was hurt, tho’ the mate on watch and the lookout with him had to fly for their lives. This, however, was not the worst of the work of the sea, because where it struck the steel bulkhead that forms the forward wall of the ladies’ parlor and main saloon, its force was such that it drove in the heavy plates some inches and started all the woodwork of the ladies’ parlor in away that would seem impossible but that evidences of it are visible to any observer today. This comber also drove in the port holes giving access to the music room and flooded the place, but fortunately the main saloon escaped.

The next day another wave struck her and flooded the forecastle, demolishing the berths of the cooks and firemen and forcing these to use the steerage for the rest of the way out. During the whole run the ship was faced with head winds and turbulent waves and could do little better than make half time, conditions not surprising when it is remembered that the Allan liner Virginian on her way to Halifax last week, was two days behind time in reaching there. Yesterday afternoon the Lintrose was in wireless communication with the Stephano and Florizel, then 125 miles south east of the Funks, which reported that they were doing nothing as a heavy storm prevailed. The Lintrose brought along two passengers, Messrs. Mark Chaplin and James McIntyre, who were delighted with the ship, and Capt. Spracklin, the commander, says she is one of the finest seaboards he has ever sailed in. She will effect repairs and leave on Tuesday to take up the Sydney route…

The Evening Herald
March 29,1913









