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Grieve & Bremner


The Lester's

The name Lester is one of the most prominent names of merchant families & entrepreneurs in Trinity in the 18th & 19th Century.  This family would have hired the best of the best for building their ships.  During their time in Trinity, the Lester’s owned over 60 ships which they would have used for their firms in places such as Trinity, Bonavista and Greenspond, and began to include voyages to the spring seal hunt as part of their year round activities.

Most of the vessels owned by the Lester’s would have been in the 100 to 200 ton class, and were built by the firm in Trinity.  In the 1750s, Lester’s operated 4-5 ships but they added new vessels to their fleet year by year and by the early 1770s, the firm was annually fitting out 10-12 vessels large enough to making trans-Atlantic voyages.

In this section you will read a biographical profile of the Lester family.  You will also be able to view paintings of Lester’s ships and Premises in Trinity as well as the blue prints for the Royal Navy Sloops which were built in Trinity.

Slade & Kelson

The Newhook's

The Lester's

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