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Grieve & Bremner

Reference to “Charles Newhook the builder”

Entry from Messrs. Slade & Kelson journal:-

Wednesday 1st June 1836- The wind has at length abated considerably.

Gloomy, thick damp weather- wind from the

N.E. still- Dockmen & Shoremen as usual jobbing- the letter repair the wharves & - Boat HAWK from Catalina with sealskins & r. Bremner passenger. J.B.G. & Co’s New Brig named GEORGE ROBINSON launch’d in safe & excellent style by Mr. Charles Newhook the builder, & about ˝ past 7 p.m. when Old Daddy Neptune adopted her as his own on the bosom of the waters- Brig HOPE, Neville, from Greenspond to J.B.G. & Co. afternoon & evening wind still N.E. moderate & overcast.

Death of “Charles Newhook the builder”

Entry from Messrs. Slade& Kelson journal:-

Thursday 16th May 1839- Thick, raw cold, gloomy weather- light air of wind from N.E.- bordering on calm.

Shipping oil & on Brig WILLIAM. Afternoon wind S.E. & gloomy- J.B.G & Co’s Schr “TRUE BLUE” from St. John’s- The sudden death of Mr. Chas. Newhook Senr in St. John’s on the 13th Inst was by a fall from the lowermast of a vessel, which was the occasion of concussion on the brain- a circumstance much lamented and sincerely regretted by his numerous long standing acquaintance in this place- his remains is brought for interment here, in the “TRUE BLUE”. Evening wind from S.S.E to South remarkably fine & mind.

Entry from Messrs. Slade & Kelson journal:-

Sunday 19th May 1839 Wind in the morning from S.E. – Afternoon south evening north and raining incessantly for the whole day- The remains of Mr. Chas. Newhook Senr interr’d this day. Barque FAIR ISLE, mills, sail’d in ballast for lumber to Quebec-

Volume 2

Page 39


Burials in the Parish of St. Paul’s, Trinity, in the Island of Newfoundland






Charles Newhook


May 19th


Wm. Bullock

Source: Trinity Historical Society

Slade & Kelson

The Newhook's

 > Documents

The Lester's





