Tuesday 24th Sept 1850 – Cloudy, gloomy,
& cool wind N.E. – Stoneman’s schooner “Times” Tom Gover, for St. John’s
– Afternoon cloudy, gloomy, & cool wind south – Packet Boat Kiphins,
Coleman, for New Perlican – at 3 pm a sprinkling shower of rain –
Evening gloomy & cool with drizzling rain, wind S.S.E. – Brig Crusader
Chas. Pittman; for New Perlican (New Brig William was launched in Hant’s
Harbor, in excellent style, on the 17th instant) about 10 at
night, came in New Brig William, Field with fish from Hant’s Harbor,
Misses Cross, Field, and Mews passengers boat Avon, Finch; from St.
John’s – Mr. A.W. Bremner passenger.
Source: Trinity Historical Society