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Marystown Shipbuilding


The Marystown area's tradition of ship and boat building is a long one. The first boats built in the area may have been modeled from Basque fishermen vessels (a type of ship known as "chaloupe"). Later, ships were built as winter work projects, expanding during the 1840s to the construction of "Western Boats," which were schooner rigged crafts of 20-30 tons. These ships were crewed by five and six men, in two or three dories, to prosecute the fishery in outer Placentia Bay and off Cape St. Mary's. They stayed out at sea for weeks at a time. To the ships that were built for World War II at Marystown Co-operative Enterprise, to the wooden longliners built at the Marystown Shipyard, and finally, to steel shipbuilding and repairs at the current Marystown Shipyard and Cow Head facility.

In this section you will view photos which will show the evolution of the Marystown shipyard from early days up until today.  You will see the transition from wooden ships to the more modern way of steel ships, as well as the growth of the shipyard.

Winterton Boat Building

Clarenville Shipbuilding

Marystown Shipbuilding

 > Images

Captain Harry Stone

Miscellaneous Items




